Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Laugh Out Loud!

Alright! If you haven't judged from the title, today's post includes a lot of funny bits that took place today at school.

Well, the first two periods of the day were pretty average, almost like every other day. I helped the teacher set up the VCR and get it plugged in to her Smart Board first period, and second period... We did math, I guess. It was math class, after all.

Art was the next period. We turned in our "contracts" and we took the pre-test, that allowed the teachers to know how much we know about art before the class started. After that, we began talking to each other, our art teacher joining in as well. The teacher told us about the other teacher that she didn't like, and kids who had that teacher began to talk about all the things he did/said that they didn't like. One girl said "He got mad at me because when he asked 'Why did we go to war with Britain (American Revolution)?' and I said 'For the Statue of Liberty?,' he got mad at me."
The teacher then proceeded to ask "So you are saying that we went to war with Britain for the Statue of Liberty?"
Everyone in the class began to laugh. Then, the art teacher said "I once heard a kid say 'How come the
Americans didn't just ride there dinosaurs into battle; then they would have won!'" The class burst into another wave of laughter, only to end up shouting at each other. At least the period was basically over by then!

Period four was the same, as well as period five. Well, a student that was out for about two months came back, but nothing "exciting" happened.

Eight period was science, and two girls we caught passing inappropriate notes (notes with inappropriate words  FYI) to each other, and the teacher let them slip. "What was on the notes are only between _______, me, and _________.

Period seven (Math Enrichment), we went to the computer lab, where we looked at cars that we could get with our imaginary wage. When I saw that the highest wage per month was $1,815, I said "My dreams of getting a Mercedes are overrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!" and everyone in the class laughed.

Period eight (ELA Enrichment), we did out plot diagram projects, where we printed out photos and placed them on a plot diagram to show parts to a story without using words.

All in all, today was a day filled with a lot of laughter. It was a happy day. Except for the fog outside, of course!

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