Monday, January 28, 2013

A Mixed up Day

The look from the window of the bus on the way home.
Turns out today, we had a shortened day for school due to snow and sleet that was going to come in later in the day. We were notified, with quite late, considering that I had already left the house when they called in. Luckily  many people on my bus, as well as my bus driver, knew, and told all the passengers, just in case. We were going home at 1100 hrs. I called my mom as soon as I got the news, but turns out there was bad reception on my Galaxy Y, because the moment we connected, it hung up. Odd.

I had to restart my phone because it froze after that, and then I proceeded to call my mom once again. As our phones connected, I received the text from my mom, so little discussion was needed. She had the day off, so she did hear about the early dismissal.

After having two periods of class that felt extremely long, I had 3rd period. Today was the first day of the third quarter of the year, so I had a new "encore" or class (each quarter we have a different encore; an
example of an encore is art, or technology). I had art. I like art, but I don't like how you get graded on how much skill you have. It's extremely funny to hear teachers say "You get graded on your effort" and then later say "20% of your grade comes from your skill."

Well, the art teacher wasn't here on the first day, so we had to make folders. And she was supposedly going to "Grade them" and each letter on the folder had to have a pattern in it (folder had to have name and period number on it). But isn't missing the first day bad enough for your reputation, as well as your impression on a person? Now grading them on how well they design there class folder? That isn't very creative at the least.

We also had 4th period, which was lunch for me. We didn't have lunch, so all we could do is/was watch the kids who brought their own lunch eat, while we starved. At about 1055 hrs. we were sent back to our home base classrooms, where we sent the last few minutes of our school day talking. We were dismissed from our school and sent onto our buses.

I live on a steep hill, so walking up a hill with snow and ice is truly a frighting experience. The snow covers up the "black ice," and even without the snow, ice blends in perfectly with the blacktop ground. Luckily  the snow didn't start melting yet, so I was safe from any slippery ice.

I spent the rest of the day on the computer, working on my science and social studies project. And now I'm blogging.

Well good night, internet. It's 2017 hrs., so it's about time for me to take a break from the internet.

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