Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Rainy, Windy Day

Time to start another blog post!

How the street looked in the morning.
It rained a lot today, and the night before. I still remember hearing my house creek because of the high winds. I also remember the rain drops pounding on the roof; no, they literally pounded. I thought someone was actually on our roof, hitting it!

At 0530 hrs. my mom woke me up, but I fell back asleep. Typical Triston, I'd say. Then, at 0620 hrs., I naturally woke up, and went to brush my teeth, do my hair, and everything else you're supposed to do before going to school.

At school, during Social Studies, somebody's phone went off. The teacher wanted to know who's phone it was. Nobody admitted that their phone had gone off. Then, the teacher proposed a lunch detention for the whole class. And this wasn't the type of lunch detention where you go there and eat; this was the type where you go there before you get your lunch. Now, this got my class really mad at who ever it was who's phone went off. "Just admit it! There aren't going to be any consequences! She just want's someone it admit that their phone went off!" People began to shout. And it was true. The teacher wasn't trying to get the kid in trouble, or take their phone away. She just wanted to
see if the person would tell the truth. After that, the class began to grow quiet; discussions slowed, until the teacher said "Why is everyone so grumpy?!"

Turned out many people's power went out after the storm, and the had no Wi-Fi. And if you know our generation, you'd know that Wi-Fi is a large part of our lives. And that got a lot of people feeling down. Then, someone said "Maybe it's because we have no sun. It's being blocked by the clouds." The sun began to shine though, and the teacher said "Look! The sunlight is shining in our class! Up; It's gone again!"

That got our class laughing, more than ever.

In the end, the teacher said, "If you would like to admit that it was your phone that went off, you can tell me after class, so the class doesn't get a lunch detention." So the student did admit it in the end. And that was how I avoided my first detention of the year.

Period two was average, but the teacher did say "I like money" and "Is talking about money confusing" in front of the class. I know he meant "money" as in 1/4 is .25, which is 25 cents. But it sounded... sorta greedy.

Period three was sorta interesting? Well, the only interesting things we learned that our teacher is a Lord of the Rings fan, and that someone said to a girl "I like it when your life is over." All I could react to it was with a confused face.

Lunch was pretty funny. Some kids were playing the "You're shoes are untied" trick to a bunch of adults. They even tricked some people in boots to look at their shoes.

Period five was okay, I guess. I gave the teacher the address to this blog, so I hope he'll read it! Oh, and also, we talked about the world "civility" and the teacher said "Something this class lacks." And I thin k I agree with him.

Period six, we had a substitute. And that's about it.

Period seven was gym, and it was pretty average. Played some "aerobic bowling" and ran more than a mile during it.

Period eight had a funny bit in it. Some girls we "Directioners" or whatever they call themselves (Sorry, I kinda don't care that much), and a kid got mad at them, and when he was telling the other kids who was "Giving him an attitude," he said "The one with the hair!"

Guess what we said. Come on! Guess!

We said, "They all have hair!"

Then the ultimate laughing began. But it stopped faster than I expected.

Today didn't have a lot of interesting things to talk about, so yeah. I guess.

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